A Mother’s Prayer of Thanksgiving

I thank Jesus for giving me the opportunity to be a Mother.
There is no greater blessing in life!
My heart is so full of love & joy for my 2 sons that I feel I am super
blessed – Indeed because I’m God’s child!
I pray that the Lord,surrounds my kids with friends and adults who point them toward Jesus, so they may learn to live life righteously in His ways.
I may not always be perfect..
But in the eyes, mind & heart of my boys I’ll be a Super MOM!
My darling angels…
I love you so much, more than words can express…
I’l be your First Kiss & First Friend..
I’ll Always be Your Mama and you…….My little Boys
Daddy & I
Adore your smiles…
Cherish Your Hugs…
Admire Your Hearts…
But Most Of All…
We Love That You’ll Are Our SONS!
We just look into your eyes & realize that the biggest MIRACLE is having you both in our lives!